So, you’re in your 30s. You know what clothes look good on you, and what clothes don’t. That’s great! Now, it’s time to give your skincare routine a bit of an upgrade, too. In your fourth decade on Planet Earth, your face is going to go through a lot of changes. You might start getting some fine lines across your forehead, a duller complexion, and maybe even dark circles around your eyes.

And unlike in your 20s, it’s going to take a lot more than just a splash of H2O and a dab of moisturiser every now and again to keep looking your best. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated, either. We sat down with some of London’s leading dermatologists and skincare experts to work out the best skincare routine to follow in your 30s.

How does your skin change as you age?

“As the body ages, your skin also undergoes various changes at both visible and cellular levels,” says Alexandra Mills, skincare expert at AM Aesthetics. “The epidermis and dermis, the outermost and middle layers of the skin, respectively, become thinner over time. This is due to a decrease in cell production and a slower turnover rate, making the skin more fragile. Older skin tends to be drier too due to a decrease in sebaceous gland activity, so you’ll need to begin moisturising more.”

These changes will be most noticeable around your neck, on your hands, and of course, your face. It’s not all doom and gloom though, because there are some things that you can start doing (or continue to do) that can effectively tone down these effects, maintain your skin’s health and appearance, and minimise signs of ageing.

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