At what age can you start botulinum toxin type A treatment? This is a question that many of my patients ask me on a day-to-day basis. When defining age boundaries, safety should be considered first, followed by an evidenced-based approach. Additionally, the question of ethics is something that cannot be underestimated during the pre-treatment assessment. In 2017, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics produced a report in on cosmetic procedures. It found that pressure from social media platforms, celebrities and influencers, postproduction techniques and anatomical changes in adolescence all had a significant impact on the decision-making process of young people. Furthermore, in a statement from the Youth Select Committee, they highlighted issues of ‘body dissatisfaction by women, and the increasing danger and challenges faced by young men, LGBT and youth, ethnic minorities and those with disabilities or serious illnesses, which were overlooked in the Nuffield Council report’ (UK Parliament, 2017). When carrying out assessments in these groups, we, as clinicians, must take on board even greater responsibility when using clinical judgement.

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